Regression Model Scoring#
Information Criterion#
#include <raft/stats/information_criterion.cuh>
namespace raft::stats
enum IC_Type#
Supported types of information criteria.
enumerator AIC#
enumerator AICc#
enumerator BIC#
enumerator AIC#
template<typename value_t, typename idx_t>
void information_criterion_batched(raft::resources const &handle, raft::device_vector_view<const value_t, idx_t> d_loglikelihood, raft::device_vector_view<value_t, idx_t> d_ic, IC_Type ic_type, idx_t n_params, idx_t n_samples)# Compute the given type of information criterion
: it is safe to do the computation in-place (i.e give same pointer as input and output) See:
- Template Parameters:
value_t – data type
idx_t – index type
- Parameters:
handle – [in] the raft handle
d_loglikelihood – [in] Log-likelihood for each series (device) length: batch_size
d_ic – [out] Information criterion to be returned for each series (device) length: batch_size
ic_type – [in] Type of criterion to compute. See IC_Type
n_params – [in] Number of parameters in the model
n_samples – [in] Number of samples in each series
R2 Score#
#include <raft/stats/r2_score.cuh>
namespace raft::stats
template<typename value_t, typename idx_t>
value_t r2_score(raft::resources const &handle, raft::device_vector_view<const value_t, idx_t> y, raft::device_vector_view<const value_t, idx_t> y_hat)# Calculates the “Coefficient of Determination” (R-Squared) score normalizing the sum of squared errors by the total sum of squares.
This score indicates the proportionate amount of variation in an expected response variable is explained by the independent variables in a linear regression model. The larger the R-squared value, the more variability is explained by the linear regression model.
The constness of y and y_hat is currently casted away.
- Template Parameters:
value_t – the data type
idx_t – index type
- Parameters:
handle – [in] the raft handle
y – [in] Array of ground-truth response variables
y_hat – [in] Array of predicted response variables
- Returns:
: The R-squared value.
Regression Metrics#
#include <raft/stats/regression_metrics.cuh>
namespace raft::stats
template<typename value_t, typename idx_t>
void regression_metrics(raft::resources const &handle, raft::device_vector_view<const value_t, idx_t> predictions, raft::device_vector_view<const value_t, idx_t> ref_predictions, raft::host_scalar_view<double> mean_abs_error, raft::host_scalar_view<double> mean_squared_error, raft::host_scalar_view<double> median_abs_error)# Compute regression metrics mean absolute error, mean squared error, median absolute error.
- Template Parameters:
value_t – the data type for predictions (e.g., float or double for regression).
idx_t – index type
- Parameters:
handle – [in] the raft handle
predictions – [in] array of predictions.
ref_predictions – [in] array of reference (ground-truth) predictions.
mean_abs_error – [out] Mean Absolute Error. Sum over n of (|predictions[i] - ref_predictions[i]|) / n.
mean_squared_error – [out] Mean Squared Error. Sum over n of ((predictions[i] - ref_predictions[i])^2) / n.
median_abs_error – [out] Median Absolute Error. Median of |predictions[i] - ref_predictions[i]| for i in [0, n).