String handling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``Series.str`` can be used to access the values of the series as strings and apply several methods to it. These can be accessed like ``Series.str.``. .. currentmodule:: cudf.core.column.string.StringMethods .. autosummary:: :toctree: api/ byte_count capitalize cat center character_ngrams character_tokenize code_points contains count detokenize edit_distance edit_distance_matrix endswith extract filter_alphanum filter_characters filter_tokens find findall find_multiple get get_json_object hex_to_int htoi index insert ip2int ip_to_int is_consonant is_vowel isalnum isalpha isdecimal isdigit isempty isfloat ishex isinteger isipv4 isspace islower isnumeric isupper istimestamp istitle join len like ljust lower lstrip match ngrams ngrams_tokenize normalize_characters normalize_spaces pad partition porter_stemmer_measure repeat removeprefix removesuffix replace replace_tokens replace_with_backrefs rfind rindex rjust rpartition rsplit rstrip slice slice_from slice_replace split rsplit startswith strip swapcase title token_count tokenize translate upper url_decode url_encode wrap zfill